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Firearms training in South Jersey

A veteran owned company located in Pitman NJ


Classes and individual coaching by appointment only – use contact form below

USCCA Certified Instructor

Classes Offered

Concealed Carry Training

For anyone looking for CCW training in NJ or their state. Curriculum is provided by USCCA which has nationwide acceptance for states that require training. NJ Approval is pending.

Although this class is not meant for beginners, there are no prerequisites for this class.

Defensive Handgun

This class covers topics on using handguns as a defensive tool. The student will learn about different types of ammunition, drawing from a holster, the proper use of cover and concealment, and a lot more.  This is a general class meant for beginners.

AR-15 Fundamentals

The AR-15 as a defensive weapon. Covers the history and operation of the AR-15 platform (PCC & NJ Others acceptable) and defensive use live fire exercises. Must have sling for your AR.

Contact Form

Feel free to put a callback number in your message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.



 Hi, my name is Ray Ruelan and I am the owner/instructor at Ternion Training LLC. 

I spent 16 years in the Marine Corps Reserve and served a combat tour in Iraq in 2004 through 2005. 

I’m a lifelong shooter and part time competitor and I look forward to helping you with your training needs.

Follow me on the links below.